Steve Jobs Lived A Great 56 Years

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Steve Jobs on

Steve Jobs has passed away on Wednesday 5 October 2011, aged 56 years.

Tributes, articles and tweets are pouring out as the US turns in at night. Searches from Europe and Asia are growing now as of 1000hrs GMT+8.

Although Tim Cook wrote to his Apple colleagues today about how they have “lost a visionary… and lost an amazing human being”, I’d say that all of us have had a great experience of knowing and benefitting from this man.

During the iPhone 4S launch at Cupertino, Tim and his folks seem to be lacking spirit while they presented. Tim even looked as if he knew of Steve’s grave condition but he could not share. AAPL shares dropped 2.6% after the event, but is there any further impact due to Steve’s passing?

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Google Trends on "steve jobs"

Sergey Brin said on G+ that Steve’s “passion for excellence is felt by anyone”, which I agree. I’m impressed by his commencement speech at Stanford University where he spoke of listening to our own voice and have faith that the important things we do will build up to our success and goals. Do what you love and love what you do.

In the end, despite being one of the richest people and owning a technology company with the largest market capitilization ever, death has taken Steve’s mortal life. Yet, he has given so much more than what many of our own lives may not (yet) have done.

Jobs will be remembered for his passion and unconventionality. Thanks for everything and have a good one, Steve.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

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Steve Jobs and Apple

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